In With the New! Your Thoughts on the TENGA CUP RenewalIn With the New! Your Thoughts on the TENGA CUP Renewal

15 years from its launch, the TENGA CUP Series has been renewed to give even more pleasure, utilizing our accumulated expertise and technology. With the All-New TENGA CUP Renewal, we’re offering an exceptional range of newly evolved yet familiar products.


We have even more options to choose from, in order to bring More Pleasure to More People, so you are sure to find the CUP that suits you!


Before launch, we asked our fans to test, compare, and review the All-New TENGA CUP Series! Below are the results:


















People enjoy all different kinds of sensations, but overall they clearly prefer the New CUPs! The Strong versions were similarly well-received. Understandable with their cool design and more powerful sensations! The Gentle also has its fans though, since sometimes people prefer a softer touch.


What kind of sensations do YOU ​​enjoy?


Check out the TENGA Advisor to find out!



We want to say “Thank You” and bid a fond farewell to the original CUP Series that helped to start the TENGA brand over 15 years ago. But now the time has come for the baton to be passed to the next generation.


Long live the New TENGA CUP Series!




Bonus Info: The Benefits of Disposable Sex Toys


We know that a lot of people have concerns regarding the disposable nature of some of our items, and for those people, we offer a vast range of reusable toys which now make more than half of our products!


However, we’ve also received a lot of feedback from fans about how they feel disposables toys still have their place.


Our reviewers gave their thoughts below, so let’s take a quick look at why you may want to try a disposable product:





